Programming assignment :linear regression

i am not getting what to do in assignment of week’s 2 i.e in programming assignment :linear regression
help me out

You have to implement linear regression with gradient descent to pass the assignment. Please read the instructions provided in the lab notebook. If you encounter any issues, let us know.

I don’t know what to do in this lab because I don’t have any idea about python too , so let me know what to write nd all

The course expects that you are familiar with writing a program using Python.

If you not, I recommend you step away from this course and take a course on Python first.

hey l can’t edit the jupyter notebook y?

@_VIKASINI_AS, I recommend you start a new thread for your question, and please state the issue in full.

A screen capture image is helpful.

Try to check if it’s in code or markdown. Or what error are you getting?

as i have to do assignments on logistic regression and week 2 assignment too but i don’t know R AND PYTHON LANGUAGE SO I AM FACING PROBLEM IN DOING ASSIGNMENTS OF COURSE I.E "SUPERVISED LEARNING : BY ANDREW
NG "

Then you should learn the basics of Python first, then come to the course.

This course doesn’t use ‘R’.
This course assumes you already know the essentials of Python.
I recommend you take a course in Python then come back to this course.

I’m getting a lot of error messages in the cells I am just supposed to run, not modify.

Here’s an example:

Run the cells below to check your implementation of the compute_gradient function with two different initializations of the parameters 𝑤

Compute and display gradient with w initialized to zeroes

initial_w = 0
initial_b = 0

tmp_dj_dw, tmp_dj_db = compute_gradient(x_train, y_train, initial_w, initial_b)
print(‘Gradient at initial w, b (zeros):’, tmp_dj_dw, tmp_dj_db)

Gradient at initial w, b (zeros): -0.03458597056701031 -5.83913505154639

NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
6 print(‘Gradient at initial w, b (zeros):’, tmp_dj_dw, tmp_dj_db)
----> 8 compute_gradient_test(compute_gradient)

NameError: name ‘compute_gradient_test’ is not defined

I’ve gone back and run all the cells again to make sure I didn’t miss one. I’ve also reloaded the lab and it doesn’t help.

Any suggestions?

The return dj_dw, dj_db part works fine, but all these error messages in the explanatory code are bothering me.

A couple of thoughts:

  1. Better if you start a new thread, rather than add a new reply to an old one. Old threads don’t attract much focus from the mentors.
  2. On the forum, a screen capture image is better than copy-and-paste text. This is due to how the forum interprets the comment characters that are in the python code. That’s why your post is full of bold text.
  3. Are you running the notebook using Coursera Labs, or did you download it and are running it on your local machine?
  4. If you’re on Labs, typically this error is cleared by running all of the cells again starting from the top. You might also try Kernel → Restart & Clear output, then re-run all of the cells.

Thank you for the response and the information about how the pages load. I am using the Coursera notebook, not an external notebook like Jupyter. I will restart and clear the output, thanks.

sir please help me , my course has been pending since many months …i have done all still not getting why this error is coming , help me out please in the completion for this program

Please share a screenshot of the error.

These resources can help with Python.

I gave guidance to you about a month ago on this thread.

I just tried writing the code, the issue is they have given code which is not editable to check but it throws nameError, how can I proceed?

Please share a screenshot of the error.

Sorry sir, I just read your reply above and it said me to clear and restart the kernel it worked for me. Thank you sir.