Project idea help

Hi all,

I’m doing the course on AI For Everyone and I’m trying to make sense out of the material and think through a project that would be intriguing for me. Thought of something but I’m not sure how to start to go about it.

My idea is about python script that uses a specific text format such as the one below. The AI (possibly ChatGPT) would evaluate that the input matches the overall format as well as maybe even checking that the text isn’t too verbose or maybe other rules that I can specify. Perhaps the output can just be “Looks good” or “input does not match format” something simple like that?

"-List Item 1
-List Item 2

Paragraph here providing some sort of summary"

Any thoughts on what AI models or documentation I can look into to learn more about this?

Yes if you inted to use chatgpt to do this then you should check the free courses section here about building apps or prompt engineering with chatgpt!