The question was from the second course,“Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning,Regularzation and Optimization.”
The third Week which is the last week,the last programming asignment ,named “Tensorflow Introduction”
in the Last excersise which is escercise 6,i meet the following problem:
1.base on the honer code and rules,sadly im not alowed to post my code answer,but i do follow the insturction,but its still wrong,test 1 is not pass,thats my first try
2.then after 24 hour of first try,i input the same code wanna try again,but it shows there the error change,the error is not invaild or test 1 incorrect anymore,it changes to a error called “new_y_train” is not definded,but i can not and do not have the authorotize to change,delet or add any function or any code in there except the spot between “YOUR CODE START HERE” and “YOUR CODE END HERE”
which is why im confused,i hope you guys could help me with that
attach down here the picture.
I don’t get it, the image shows you are suppose to write code for total loss, why are you mentioning new_y_train that too outside the markers of where codes need to be written?
Also can I know if you doing the assignment from course or you are doing codes on your local jupyter notebook.
Also you are suppose to write the codes between the markers ###START AND END CODE HERE###
So as you notice 1 line code to total loss, move those line in between these markers, the remove the # for the line total loss, write the code
Like what i mentioned up stairs,
1.i wrtie a code already,but its incorrect and i dont know why,i want to post it so you can guide me,but im not sure if im allowd to do that
2.the first time i try to run my code,the result shows that test 1 was incorrect,then i try it again after 24 hour,the result change,its not "test 1 incorrect " any more,it bcome “new_y_train” was not defined,and even i delet my code,the errorr was still "new_y_train " not defined,thats why im confused