Question on formula for C3W1 (optional birthday lab/notebook), problem 4

I’m confused on the equation for Q for question 4, specifically this part:

Let’s call the first room A, and the second room B; if a student in room A has a birthday on date, X, the probability for a given student in room B to match that date X would be 364/365; for all n students in room B, this would be (364/365)^n; and becuase we are evaluating for all n students in room A, this would be (364/365)^(n^2) (or (1 - 1/365)^(n^2); i’m not sure though how to get from there to the Q ~= e^(-n^2 / 365). I have been looking up the taylor series since I don’t remember it from calc (a very long time ago). I’m a bit disappointed it wasn’t covered in the ML for calc course either

I took a look at this as well Question on the Birthday Problem Lab - #4 by rmwkwok

I got this explanation from ChatGPT; I’m wondering if anyone can verify if the reasoning it gave is correct:

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Its a pretty good explanation!

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