Quiz answer might be wrong: "What is the cross entropy loss for the following matrix?"

Correct me if I’m wrong.

Your answer is:

−[0⋅log(0.7)+1⋅log(0.3)] = −log(0.3) ≈ 1.204
−[1⋅log(0.6)+0⋅log(0.4)] = −log(0.6) ≈ 0.511

Total Loss:
1.204+0.511 ≈ 1.715

However, my explanation is:

  • Consider using sigmoid or binary entropy:
Truelabel: 0 ->  -(0*log(positive prob) + (1-0)*log(1-positive prob)) = -(0*log(0.3) + 1*log(0.7)  = -log(0.7)
Truelabel: 1 ->  -(1*log(positive prob) + (1-1)*log(1-positive prob)) = -(1*log(0.6) + 0*log(0.4)) = -log(0.6)
  • In softmax or multi-class entropy approach, either one-hot or nll_loss
Truelabel: nll_loss method to use class-index:0  or one-hot method to use vector [1,0] -> choose class 0 prob: -log(0.7)
Truelabel: nll_loss method to use class-index:1  or one-hot method to use vector [0,1] -> choose class 1 prob: -log(0.6)

I think both entropy approaches should yield the same answer, and it was exactly what I expected.

hey @Chris.X

actually you are right even when I was doing this calculation I was getting a different answer.

@Mubsi, can you please check this.

Based on the probabilities for true labels the predictions would be diagonal when assigning the true class labels 0

@lesly.zerna can you check too please, thank you.



Thanks @Chris.X for bringing this up! We’ll double check with the team!


Update, we fixed the options for the response of that question about cross entropy loss.
Thank you for reporting again!


I just did the quiz. It seems like the answer has not been updated. Also the value is usually averaged by batch size (2 in this case).

Hi, it was corrected :slight_smile: