ResNet C4 W2 A1- Ex2 convolutional_block. Error: AssertionError: Wrong values when training=False

hey @Jonathanlugo i used the X_shortcut variable the shortcut block but I still get the same error. Any ideas?

Are you sure you hit “Shift-Enter” on the actual function cell to load your new code after you changed it? Just typing new code and then calling the function again does nothing: it runs the old code. You can easily demonstrate to yourself how this works.

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Yes I used the shift + enter for each cell in the notebook. I still get the same error.
Ive used the same filters, strides as mentioned in the assignment. Same for the X_shortcut that is to be used in the 2 lined for the shortcut block.

Would it be helpful if i shared a screenshot of the cell?

It’s better to do any code sharing in a private DM conversation.

Just to close the loop here, we had a short DM conversation and Arjun reports being able to solve the problem by getting a fresh copy of the notebook and copying over the previous code. So something must have been accidentally modified in the parts outside of the “YOUR CODE HERE” blocks.

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