Hello there,
I think I am joining the club of those participants who get this same error. I rechecked the solutions but none applied to me.
In the assignment, I have the following values:
2nd Component
Filter F2, kernel_size = f, strides = 1, padding = same
3rd Component
Filter F3, kernel_size = 1, strides = 1, padding = valid
Shortcut Component
Filter F3, kernel_size = 1, strides = s, padding = valid
Initialization appended to all three lines above
kernel_initializer = initializer(seed=0) for (X), which will use the glorot_uniform initializer as default.
I truly see no error in the code, but obviously, because the grader does not mark this as successful, there most be one. Could anybody give any pointers?
Thank you!
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-869d2d1d4c16> in <module>
12 assert type(A) == EagerTensor, "Use only tensorflow and keras functions"
13 assert tuple(tf.shape(A).numpy()) == (3, 2, 2, 6), "Wrong shape."
---> 14 assert np.allclose(A.numpy(), convolutional_block_output1), "Wrong values when training=False."
15 print(A[0])
AssertionError: Wrong values when training=False.