Github link to course’s assignment: tensorflow-1-public/C3/W3/assignment/C3W3_Assignment.ipynb at main · https-deeplearning-ai/tensorflow-1-public · GitHub
I have been struggling with this assignment. My validation loss keeps increasing, and I can’t find a way to make it plateau or decrease. I feel like I’m not understanding how to create the layers in my model, and which combination would work best. Is this just a matter of trial and error, or is there a systematic way of doing it? I’m asking this because the model takes over 1.5 hours to train, and if it’s trial and error, I will not be able to finish the
assignment at all.
Here are some details of my model without going into the code:
- A bidirectional LSTM layer
- a one dimensional convolution layer
- a maxpooling layer
- a dropout set to 0.5
- a dense layer
- dropout set to 0.5
- final dense layer with 1 neuron
For some context, here is a summary of the training:
and here is the loss and validation_loss:
Here is the slope of my validation_loss:
I would appreciate any tips regarding how I can understand how to better tweak my model. Thank you!