I’m desperatly trying to get out of the error I get in the C1_W3_Logistic_Regression assignment. I believe there is a problem in the unit test because the question here is very easy, however I get the error
I have the same problem in simple UNQ_C5. My compute_cost_reg function calculates Regularized cost as 0.6618252552483951 while expected outcome is 0.6618252552483948
I tried a few tricks and even copy pasted the solution from hints but to no avail. Is there still hidden trick to make the cost exactly as expected?
Mine does the same thing for the compute_gradient function, I’ve tried tweaking, rephrasing and reformatting my code but nothing seems to work. Both my sigmoid and cost function worked perfectly, and my dj_db value is also correct, but i can’t seem to find the error in my dj_dw calculation. Does anyone have any suggestions
its fine, thanks i figured it out, i made some changes and it passed all the tests, but would not match the expected output. thats why i was confused. Thanks!