T1_C3_Week 4 Assignment

C3_Week 4 Assignment
Even though my model grades out perfectly, I cannot get above an accuracy of about 72%. I have tried everything I know:
Increased LSTM units
Increased output_dim of Embedding layer
added a 2nd LSTM layer
tried a Conv1D + GlobalMaxPooling layer
altered the learning rate
Increase # epochs to 200
I am stuck! I must be missing something. Please help.

Hello @Michael_Crabtree ,

I have gone through your code.

Remove the codes you added # to comment it out.Those commented codes with which you are in doubt are not needed.

You just need to use the simple adam optimiser, without specifying any learning rate or anything.
Using Adam in your code, i am getting 85% accuracy at 50th epoch.

[A suggestion : Always try to think for the easier solution at first]

With regards,
Nilosree Sengupta

It worked perfectly!
I would never have figured that out.
You are the BEST!

Hello @Michael_Crabtree ,

With practice and experiences over various assignments and projects, you will also learn to figure out where to use what architecture, functions, parameters, etc to give the most optimised result.

With regards,
Nilosree. Sengupta