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Hi, I’ve a problem on the first exercise of the assignement linked below. I got an error :
<tf.Variable ‘W:0’ shape=(4, 3) dtype=float64, numpy=
array([[ 2.2408932 , 1.86755799, -0.97727788],
[ 0.95008842, -0.15135721, -0.10321885],
[ 0.4105985 , 0.14404357, 1.45427351],
[ 0.76103773, 0.12167502, 0.44386323]])>
[0.97873798]], shape=(3, 1), dtype=float64)
[[ 0.33367433]
[ 1.49407907]
[ 0.3130677 ]], shape=(4, 1), dtype=float64)
[2.13869303]], shape=(4, 1), dtype=float64)
[2.13869303]], shape=(4, 1), dtype=float64)
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
4 assert type(result) == EagerTensor, “Use the TensorFlow API”
----> 5 assert np.allclose(result, [[-2.15657382], [ 2.95891446], [-1.08926781], [-0.84538042]]), “Error”
6 print(“\033[92mAll test passed”)
AssertionError: Error
The function looks right, and it is very easy to implement. I followed the tips (that is the 99% of the job in this case), but I got an error.
Just to understand if is something due to my code or if is an error on the assignement. Thanks!