I hope this is not out of topic, in which case, feel free to remove it.
I am trying to work on some projects on my own applying what they teach us in the DLS, but I can’t seem to get tensorflow working on my Mac M1 Pro. I’ve tried everything I could find on the internet (Miniforge or miniconda arm64, apple metal, dependencies, etc) and nothing works, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. So, should anyone have a guide on how to set up tensorflow to work in an IDE such as Spyder or pycharm for apple silicon (not Jupyter), that’d be awesome!
It wasn’t easy, but I got it working last year. There were several discussions, including one from me, on the Apple Developer forum describing various attempts at that time. Have a look, meanwhile I’ll see if I can find my notes.
Looks like a couple of other people had success with the approach I posted. Good luck, and don’t forget it’s a moving target…what worked then might not produce identical results now.
I created dedicated virtual environments for the deeplearning classes since they require specific older versions of Python, TF, and Keras. The AI for Medicine classes use a lot of special libraries that also have to be levelled. So I had one current, one for AI for Medicine, one for the NLP specialization, etc.