This test is not passing, and I can’t detect the mistake. Here are my values and the expected results:
My results:
W1 =
[[ 1.65666861 -0.64411261 -0.5603075 ]
[-1.10430595 0.83327273 -2.26972811]]
W2 =
[[ 0.34890823 -0.28080038 1.49393381]
[-2.02926524 -0.29059994 -0.35198723]
[ 1.16555528 -1.09000828 -0.14009219]]
b1 =
[[ 1.77151876]
b2 =
[ 0.00960008]
[ 0.5508996 ]]
Expected results:
W1 =
[[ 1.63942428 -0.6268425 -0.54320974]
[-1.08782943 0.85036983 -2.2865723 ]]
W2 =
[[ 0.33356139 -0.26425199 1.47707772]
[-2.04538458 -0.30744933 -0.36903141]
[ 1.14873036 -1.09256871 -0.15734651]]
b1 =
[[ 1.75854357]
b2 =
[ 0.02707193]
[ 0.56782561]]
Any idea? What is going wrong. Also, new in this forum, so can you please tell me whether I can share my code in the forum? Thank you for helping.
Update: I found the bug and solved the issue