TF Advanced Technique C3_W4_Lab_3 error

Hi experts,

Not sure if it’s just me or what but it appears that Colab TF 2.17.0 is also
giving me another error with ungraded lab notebook C3_W4_Lab_3_Saliency.ipynb:

Having done some checks, found the following link that provides some
explanation of incompatibility beween TF 2.16 and onwards with tf_keras from tensorflow_hub:

So, I rolled back TF to 2.15.0, restarted kernel and it fixed the issue for that cell:

The rest of the notebook runs to completion with no further error.

BTW, “pip install --upgrade tensorflow_hub” and leaving TF at 2.17.0 did not resolve the compatibility issue.


Yes @Mun_Chung_Wong

There is version issue with C3 assignment and you did the right way to resolve your issue.

Another way would be

Learners can reload the colab from the classroom or just add these lines at the top of their existing notebook (then run everything again to generate a new model file):

!pip install tf-keras==2.15 --quiet
!pip install tensorflow==2.15 --quiet
!pip install keras==2.15 --quiet

This would be required with course 3 as well as course 4 assignment but not all assignment.


Thanks DP for clarifying at least I know it’s not just me having the issue :wink:
