TFDS-V2-WEEK4, unexpected error occurred during variable check

I got this message when submitting my results:

Unexpected error occurred during variable check. We expected variable train_dataset to be of type <class ‘int’>. Please check that this variable is initialized and is of the right type.
i don’t get it where i’m wrong.

have you selected the right specialisation?

can you post a screenshot of your submission

I think I’m in the right specialization.


it is looking for your train dataset to be integer type, so make sure you applied int function to the dataset

I just changed the label to an integer, but I’m still getting the same error message.

can you post screenshot of the complete error log.

check does image class type selected is correct or not as choosing image and label of different class type can also throw such error


I just followed the instructions for the image data type.

I just finished it. thank you for the help and response :saluting_face: @Deepti_Prasad

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