The course instructions require opening *AWS SageMaker Classic Studio*, but as per AWS's recent updates on *Jan 1st, 2025*, the Sage Maker Studio Classic is no longer supported

week-1 #lab 1 #lab-1-generative-ai-use-case-summarize-dialogue

I am currently enrolled in the Generative AI with LLM course and have
encountered an issue while attempting to complete the lab exercises.

The course instructions require opening AWS SageMaker Classic Studio, but
as per AWS’s recent updates on Jan 1st, 2025, the Sage Maker Studio
Classic is no longer supported. This has made it challenging for me to
proceed with the exercises as described in the course.

Could you please provide guidance on how to resolve this issue or suggest a

Hi, let us tag @chris.favila on this thread; also, if you have any images of any errors you might be getting, post them here.

Hi, and welcome to the Forum! I just did the lab earlier today and Studio Classic is still available. There are no notices saying it will no longer be available. Please follow the instructions on the Vocareum page when you launch the lab from Coursera. If you get stuck with any of those steps, please provide a screenshot of the whole window including any error message you see. That will help us troubleshoot. Hope this helps. Thanks!