Hello @jesse,
@Christian_Simonis shared a very good course that I also took it myself. Here I want to quickly connect the dots from how to convert a time series dataset that carries this correlation
to a dataset that looks like the following so you may apply skills you have learnt:
All I am going to say is actually covered in the course that @Christian_Simonis shared.
Like we have feature engineering (FE) in our MLS C1, we can do the same for time series, by extracting patterns over a certain time window, in order words we are not looking at one timestamp at a time to produce one x^{(i)}, but instead a period of timestamps. The course has a video in W1 called “common patterns in time series” that we will see names such as seasonality (periodic high-low fluctuation) and autocorrelation (future depends on the past), and the job of FE is to, for example, build a feature for a time window to represent which level we are at among the range of fluctuation, given that such seasonality exists and our time window isn’t too short or too long to speak about such seasonality. Such feature can just be a mean value of the time window’s data, or the last value of the time window’s data, or the average of the last five values. But the first question is, is there really a seaonality, so it is also a skills to learn how to find it.
Given this understanding of the need of pattern hunting, besides the course, which again is a very good starter and has exercises, I can share some names that are related to finding certain pattern goals, so you may google about them along your learning journey.
Seasonality – Fourier transform
Autocorrelation – ARIMA
Overall trend – Linear/Polynomial regression over time
There are also many skills that are domain (seismic, audio, etc.) specific which can be great additions.
Lastly, sometimes people will just feed a windowed time series into a Neural Network in the hope that the NN/RNN will find out the patterns automatically so you don’t do it yourself. I can’t tell you which is a better way but I always prefer to look at some data myself.
I hope this will give you some ideas! Cheers!