TSP Medium Graph Function Exceeding Time Limit – Seeking Optimization Advice”

Error message:
Failed test case: Failed to achieve 85% of success in test cases. Examples of failed tests will be provided.
At least 85% of success tsp_medium_graph running below 1.3s and achieving the correct distance,
but got:
Success rate: 0%.

Failed test case: Exceeded time execution limit for a tour starting in node 0. To replicate the graph, you may run generate_graph(nodes = 300, complete = True, seed = 65).
tsp_medium_graph method must run in less than 1.3 seconds,
but got:
Time execution exceeded 1.3 seconds.

Failed test case: Exceeded time execution limit for a tour starting in node 0. To replicate the graph, you may run generate_graph(nodes = 300, complete = True, seed = 66).
tsp_medium_graph method must run in less than 1.3 seconds,
but got:
Time execution exceeded 1.3 seconds.

Failed test case: Exceeded time execution limit for a tour starting in node 0. To replicate the graph, you may run generate_graph(nodes = 300, complete = True, seed = 67).
tsp_medium_graph method must run in less than 1.3 seconds,
but got:
Time execution exceeded 1.3 seconds.

Which algorithms are you using here?

I have asked ChatGPT to suggest more efficient algorithms (Nearest neighbour, simulated annealing, two-opt), and then asked it to improve efficiency of my implementation.

It doesn’t seem to be working just yet, but it’s getting there :slight_smile:

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You can try to redirect the LLM attention by asking it to find possible bottlenecks in efficiency and fix them.