For Exercise 4: fit_label_encoder, my function is making all my OOV Tokens None. To exclude the OOV tokens from my vocabulary, I am setting the oov_token parameter to None in my tf.keras.layers.StringLookup function. However, I’m getting that the first element of my Vocabulary of labels is None. How can I fix this?
Sorry I had to remove the solution code as it is not allowed by the community guidelines. Mentors can only provide hints so the person learning can work towards the solution. This is to ensure the integrity of the course. If the learner follows this topic and tries a few times, I’m sure the learner will figure out the answer. This way, learning is more effective. Thank you.
was able to resolve issue after seeing @lukmanaj comment.
But before coming to forum, I gone through documentation.
Unfortunately the parameter description in tensorflow didn’t make sense to me at that time. I feel tensorflow documentation about this parameter need little more clarification on its usages.