If you are new, I recommend Machine Learning on coursera.org by Andrew Ng.
I am a beginner I just started to learn about Machine Learning using Andrew Ng course on Coursera. This is my first impression:
“If you have problems understanding AI or Machine Learning it is because most people out there teaching AI don’t use simplicity to explain it to you, and that’s the reason why a lot of people believe I-robot the sci-fi movie will become true one day”.
Let me tell you, computers are still dumb, the word intelligence can be misleading.
One example of terminology that can be misleading is unsupervised learning.
The truth is: Even though the computer is not explicitly program to give some results, someone has to create an algorithm for the machine to find the results.
I am not an expert, just starting to learn, in unsupervised learning the algorithm helps to find pattern in other words I think you are just telling the computer “Get the zeros and ones that are similar and put them together, or find similar zeros and ones and put them together”
The machine cannot really do anything on his own.
I am still learning, if you can take the course, and enjoy learning.
Mr. Andrew use simple terms to teach Machine Learning.
I strongly recommend that course, if you are new and just starting to learn like me.
hi @AIJacques
I am glad you are enjoying the course but just to state that computers are dumbs and we need to create algorithm to tell computers to get zeros and ones is much of a disregard to machine learning ability.
I am not stating that they are superior to humans neither I am not disagreeing that human need to create an algorithm for a machine to understand the science, physics, maths and unknown complexity behind a data present to us. But computer as you say but I refer machine learning also puts it’s permutations and combinations depending on what a human provide as an algorithm. if computer was so dumb or I should say dependent on human’s ability to crack the code to detect how a minute tissue was able to be detected that could be cancerous, if I was the creator of the algorithm, I would give due to credit to the machine who was able to crack this code based on the data and algorithms I provided.
All and all, I just want to say, we cannot discredit the machine’s ability to provide schematic computation of problems and solutions by we providing the necessary data to train. So it is a team work of human intelligence and artificial intelligence.
Keep Learning!!
I like the technology, that’s why I am trying to learn it.
I am still learning, but this is what I learn so far:
The machine needs to get the correct data, and the correct algorithm, without the correct data it will failed. Without the correct team work of human intelligence AI would not exist.
True, experts don’t want to use the word programming the machine, so far from what I am learning, my brain is telling me it is programming, a different type of programming. Experts might need to come up with a different definition for programming.
Remember I am new, just start learning about AI, I need to learn python and a lot more. If my understanding change later on, I will change my mind, for now for me all the credit goes to the team work of human intelligence. Without the human intelligence behind the machine, AI is dead.
I guess I was pointing more on machine’s credibility to perform ai and create many of solutions which probably with alone human intelligence would have taken longer time. No one has ever denied without human, ai can’t work.
Had I given the same data, algorithm to another human being and not to use computer, will there have had been so many advances in technology and solutions? the answer would probably yeah with a slower space, but many of machines ability to run down this data and correlate issues with solutions has given human ai superior edge. So I surely don’t want to discredit my gpu, cpu as a tool to get my life better based on choices we made.
Also yes I concur that AI is a creation of Human intelligence, but I don’t discredit my computer.
Good luck
Agree, I am on the same page with you regarding progress in technology.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post.