Hi, I wanted to report that there is still the Data type mismatch problem, and that the only way to pass the test is to write
return np.float64(proportion)
Same happen in UNQ_C2.
I hope it can be useful
Hi, I wanted to report that there is still the Data type mismatch problem, and that the only way to pass the test is to write
return np.float64(proportion)
Same happen in UNQ_C2.
I hope it can be useful
The return type is mentioned in the doc string of UNQ_C1
Compute proportion of trial participants who have been treatedArgs: df (dataframe): dataframe containing trial results. Column 'TRTMT' is 1 if patient was treated, 0 otherwise. Returns: result (float64): proportion of patients who were treated """
In def event_rate(df), the return values are supposed to be float:
treated_prob (float): empirical probability of death given treatment
untreated_prob (float): empirical probability of death given control
But event_rate_test still expects float64.
Hi @alankarmisra,
You are right.
I have this fixed soon.
EDIT: It has been fixed.
Thank you both for pointing it out.