Use of 1x1 convolution block

in the course Andrew talk about 1x1 convolution block but i quite dont get it. So i have search more about it and now i am even more confuse. Here’s what i found :

i have researched more and found that 1x1 convolution use less memory, run faster and act as a bottle neck layer to cut down the size of the input for the next layer, am i missing anything ? But i still dont know how can 1x1 convolution can provide non-linearity as the picture above said. How can a 1x1 provide non-linearity but a 3x3 cant ? Furthermore, it cant be the same as a FC layer right ? FC neuron will look at all neuron from previous layer, a 1x1 conv only look at 3 if our previous layer have 3 channel. Thank you for reading

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I’m guessing you are asking about DLS C4 (ConvNets) Week 2. Any “conv” layer will provide non-linearity because of the activation function, so the point is not that 3 x 3 can’t provide non-linearity. It’s that it has more parameters. Also note here that the point of MobilNet and the efficiencies it brings is not just the 1 x 1 convolutions, but also the “depthwise separable” convolutions. It’s the combination of the two that give you something approximating the same power as a more traditional “conv” sequence but at much lower cost in terms of memory space and compute. I would suggest that now that you’ve done a bit more thinking and investigation, that you go back and watch the lectures starting at this one and on through the MobilNet lectures again. I bet it will make more sense with what you now know …

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thanks a lot for your help, i get it now.

I have moved the thread to DLS C4, and closed it.