Useful notes for spanish speakers

Hello Everyone!
I’ve written some notes on each lesson, summarizing and “masticando” the content of the course, they’re in spanish, but I don’t find why not to translate them to any language. I be leaving the notes as a pdf attached to this post, please if distributed or used for any non-personal purposes, I apreciate that the credits were given to me. This is my LinkedIn profileé-778972271/
Apuntes del curso de - ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers.pdf (195.9 KB)


Thanks santiagoesquerre!

Muchas gracias Santiago !
Thank you very much, will be very useful for me, I’m from Argentina

Gracias por el aporte, Santi. Estoy preparando algunas presentaciones para traductores y estudiantes de traducción, te anoto en las referencias. ¡Saludos!