Value of J(w) further from theoretical value, rather than closer, when reducing epsilon

In the lecture and course material we learn that the reason for J(w), or k, not being calculated as the exact theoretical value (e.g. 6 in the given examples) is that epsilon is not infinitesimally small. In the optional lab, we are invited to decrease epsilon further and to observe the error in calculated k vs theoretical k decreasing as a result. For very small epsilon values, I observe k to increase rather than decrease.

For example, with epsilon = 0.0000001, k = 6.000000087880153.
With epsilon = 0.000000000001, k = 6.000533403494046 .

Is this perhaps due to floating point error? Or have a misunderstood something?

You are right to suspect that floating-point errors play a role here. As you reduce epsilon to minimal values, the precision limitations of floating-point arithmetic in computers can cause significant problems. What you see is likely due to floating-point errors that become more pronounced as epsilon decreases beyond a certain point.

The key takeaway is that while smaller epsilon values generally lead to more accurate derivatives, this holds only up to a certain limit. Beyond that, numerical precision issues can cause inaccuracies.

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Thanks for clarifying

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