I think I found the reason of our error, the requests are rejected either by some proxy logic of the deeplearning.ai platform or by Vertex AI API itself.
The original error is “{“message”: “quota exceed for /google/embedding/textembedding-gecko@001”}”, but because of some platform’s custom logic in vertexai library, only the key (“message”) is displayed for us.
And also there is a 429 error (“Too many requests”) in HTTP response which also confirms the assumption.
But it seems to be strange reason to block us because even original code uses ‘for’ loop to get embeddings, and in my case I didn’t get much more embeddings for my experiments (31 vectors at most).
So I can show it to technical support, but I don’t have any contacts with it, I wrote 2 messages here (Contact - DeepLearning.AI) but I don’t know if I receive any answer.
Therefore in my opinion the temporary solution is to use another account and do not make experiments too much to be not blocked again, until our accounts will be unblocked. I can provide more detailed information if someone from technical support will contact with me.
Thank you.