W2 Assignment 1 Error

image removed as it contained codes from grade function cell which grades your assignment. posting link to assignment, sharing assignment notebook is against code of conduct. A mentor would ask you if they want to see your codes, till then only post screenshot of your output to expected output or error screenshot
Hi in the assignment when I run the cell, i get a wrong output and in the later portions my code wouldnt run. I cant figure out why.

Avoid posting codes on public post thread, it’s against community guidelines.

Did you apply the VOCAB_SIZE to the correct parameter while instantiating textvectorizer

Sorry, I did not know about the guidelines. I applied the Vocab size to max token parameter while instantiating text vectorizer. Is there something else that I should do ?

then the issue might be in the previous grade cell. Kindly click on my name and then message to send me screenshot of both grade cells codes by personal DM.