Hi, like many others before me, I have been struggling with the programming assignment.
Honestly, I don’t understand why they would ask us to write code without even teaching us the syntax or the algorithms for shortcuts, I have been guessing and looking for answers in the community for two hours now.
Anyway, If I assign the third component of the path to X_shortcut I get this error message:
ValueError: Inputs have incompatible shapes. Received shapes (4, 4, 4) and (4, 4, 3)
and it makes sense because f is 4, so I’m using four filters in step 1. but then I don’t understand how to change back the channels to 3.
If I don’t assign x_shorcut, I get a different validation error:
Check the padding and strides
I think the code is ok, I have the right strides, training is set as a parameter, kernel_size is set to f and padding is set to the same only for the second component, I have batchnorm axis set to 3 for all components,
So what might be wrong?