W2A2 -Transfer_learning_with_MobileNet_v1- Grading incorrect

I have completed the assignment with all test cases passed. But when grader is grading, its showing 0/100 with this error

ell #UNQ_C2. Can’t compile the student’s code. Error: SyntaxError(“unmatched ‘)’”, (‘/tmp/student_solution_cells/cell_16.py’, 40, 5, ’ )'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/www/app/grading/exceptions.py”, line 112, in handle_solution_errors
yield {}
File “/home/www/app/grading/abstract.py”, line 393, in _grade
context = compiled_code.run(cell_index=cell.index)
File “/home/www/app/grading/submission/compiled_code.py”, line 195, in run
return list(self._code_items.values())[cell_num - 1].run()
File “/home/www/app/grading/submission/compiled_code.py”, line 54, in run
return import_module(self.import_statement, items)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/importlib/init.py”, line 127, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
File “”, line 1014, in _gcd_import
File “”, line 991, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 975, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 671, in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 839, in exec_module
File “”, line 976, in get_code
File “”, line 906, in source_to_code
File “”, line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
File “/tmp/student_solution_cells/cell_16.py”, line 40
SyntaxError: unmatched ‘)’

Are you sure that your notebook runs correctly when you run it locally? Please try this:

Kernel -> Restart and Clear Output
Cell -> Run All

Then scan through and make sure there are no errors. If that is successful, then try submitting to the grader again. The safest way to submit to the grader is:

Kernel -> Restart and Clear Output

The point being that the grader does not need to see your generated output and sometimes that can add a lot to the size of the image, which just slows things down and can occasionally cause syntax issues.

Thank you for the response. I did exactly this, but it didnt help. Please check all my test cases are passed, but all my submissions are 0/100. Error is same as I pasted in initial message.

Ok, I think it’s time to look at your code. We can’t do that here in a public thread, but please check your DMs for a message from me about how to do that.

I’m moving this thread to the DLS Course 4 forum area (instead of “AI Discussions”).