W4-Assignment 1 , Exercise 1


I just started the lab for course week 4 and have some issues with the simplest assignment, which is initialize parameters. My weights and biases are being generated with the correct sizes and in the random function, I multiply with 0.01 , as instructed. However, i notice that the numbers generated from the expected output are completely different (not just a change with the decimal point). I noticed that random seed is set to 1 when you import the libraries at the beginning of the notebook and to 1 again in the exercise. Could it be something with the random seed to do?

Thanks in advance

Actually this was solved after I read this post. So hopefully, if you have the same issue, I hope this helps: W 3 | A1 | Ex-3- Initialize Parameters| Problem with np.random.seed

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That’s great that you found the solution on the forums! For anyone else who has trouble on this function, one clue is that if all your values for the W^{[l]} matrices are positive that means you used the wrong random distribution function.

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