I have taken the whole specialization and it helps a lot.
The last part, namely DQN, is the most intriguing for me.
In the class the moon landing theme is a single-agent model, but in my research area, there are many cases that there are many agents on the stage and interacting with each other, which may lead to a multi-agent model.
Thus, I am wondering is there any introduction-level paper or material of any kind on that? I don’t major in CS and a very cutting-edge paper will kill me instantly.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Oh, also it will be better if the action space is discrete (to be or not to be), which sounds a little bit easier for me to understand!
Hey Tianqi,
Sorry I am not an expert on that, but perhaps you may want to search some literature review on Google Scholar?
Hi @Hu_Tianqi,
There are a few things to look at. First, there is a nice “Medium” article which goes into these ideas. The title is:
Deep Reinforcement Learning DQN for Multi-Agent Environment
Next, to go in to much greater detail, there is the paper:
Deep Q-Network Based Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning with Binary Action Agents
which is on arxiv.org. This is written at quite a high level so probably best to just stick with the Medium article unless you are feeling particularly ambitious.
These should provide a good starting point.
Dear Professor chandler,
Thank you very much. It helps a lot. I think I will start from the Medium one.
Best regards,