My code for the Exercise 5 is correct, but I cannot find why I cannot pass the Exercise 6. Thank you very much for help!!
The error code is following:
w = [[0.61865617]
b = -0.0016486744297339539
dw = [[ 0.36559207]
db = -0.18318604774821712
Costs = [array(0.15900538)]
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
7 print("Costs = " + str(costs))
----> 9 optimize_test(optimize)
~/work/release/W2A2/ in optimize_test(target)
73 assert type(costs) == list, “Wrong type for costs. It must be a list”
74 assert len(costs) == 2, f"Wrong length for costs. {len(costs)} != 2"
—> 75 assert np.allclose(costs, expected_cost), f"Wrong values for costs. {costs} != {expected_cost}"
77 assert type(grads[‘dw’]) == np.ndarray, f"Wrong type for grads[‘dw’]. {type(grads[‘dw’])} != np.ndarray"
AssertionError: Wrong values for costs. [array(5.80154532), array(0.59716577)] != [5.80154532, 0.31057104]