WebChat: Create Chatbot from Website or Chat with Website and with Depth parameter

I am building a project “WebChat” to create a website chatbot by just entering the website and the depth required.

How to Use:

  1. Enter Website: Simply input the URL of the website you want to chat with.
  2. Add Depth: Select the depth parameter to specify the pages you want to scrape. Choose from:
  • Depth 1: Scrapes only the content of the given page.
  • Depth 2: Scrapes the content of the given page along with the links present on that page, and so on.
  1. Chat: Start chatting with the website! Ask questions, seek information, or engage in conversation.

For more details - here

All the details about hosting, GitHub, etc are mentioned in the link above.

I would love to know your feedback and suggestions.

This seems like more of an “AI Project” topic rather than an “AI Discussion”.

You can move your thread to another forum area using the ‘pencil’ icon in the thread title.