Week 1 Homework Question


I have a question about a portion of the codes in the HW C3_W1_Assignment. In Exercise 02 Implement Data Generator, there are these lines:

    if stop:

    # Update the start index for positive data 
    # so that it's n_to_take positions after the current pos_index
    pos_index += n_to_take
    # Update the start index for negative data 
    # so that it's n_to_take positions after the current neg_index
    neg_index += n_to_take
    # Get the max tweet length (the length of the longest tweet) 
    # (you will pad all shorter tweets to have this length)
    max_len = max([len(t) for t in batch]) 

My question is, why update pos_index and neg_index as such above? The reason I thought might be that this prevents not having enough batch samples towards the end of data_pos and data_neg cycle. But if this is the case, then it means the algorithm is skipping data samples in the middle too.


This issue is addressed in HW2 (week 2) i.e., the codes above are not used.