I removed the (X) at the end, but I still get the error as in stages 1 and 2 (which are outside “start code here”). Also at the end, (AVGPool) it says to use “X = AveragePooling2D()(X)”
I’m not following your reasoning here: if it’s an error in one place, then it’s also an error if you do the same thing in another place, right? It’s not that way in my notebook in the template portions, so you must have changed it and broken it in that way. If you don’t believe that, I suggest you get a clean copy and compare.
I think the issue is that you added (X) to Stage 2, which you should not have modified.
The (X) are not there in the original notebook.
This is because convolutional_block() and identity)_block() are functions, not layers. So you pass X within the parameter list.
And you should not modify the code outside of the START CODE HERE areas.