Week 2 Excercise 6 Syntax problem

I’m looking at my code for the v_corrected formula ( v_corrected[“db” + str(l)] = … and can’t find what the syntax issue is. I realize that it might be in the previous statement but I’m not sure what is wrong as the syntax check does not give a good idea. Since I can’t share the code of the previous statement I’ll try to describe it like this:
(1 - (np.power(beta1,t)) This is the expression of the denominator of the previous formula. Maybe I’m parameterizing something wrong in the np.power?

When you can’t find a syntax error in python, it means you are looking in the wrong place. :grinning:

The problem is not on that line. The problem is that the previous line is incomplete. You are probably missing a close parentheses or close bracket. The notebook editor is syntax aware: click on a paren and it will highlight the matching one. Or not. :scream_cat:

Just in that expression you show, there are 3 open parens, but only 2 close parens, right?

Yes, something was missing, which is odd as I really thought I looked this over many times. Now it works, Thx a lot.

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It’s easy to miss the parenthesis matching thing just looking at it. The key is using the editor to help in the matching. :nerd_face: