By the looks of the result
It looks like the image has the right output dimensions, however, I still get this error.
By the looks of the result
Welcome to the community.
Yes, shapes for all mini-batch are correct.
The issue should be its contents. Typical error is to set wrong pointer for the 3rd batch, which has only 20 examples. As you see from the output, a regular batch size is 64. Please check the right slice is extracted from shuffled_X/shuffled_Y.
I still cannot find the error. I believe the right slices are being extracted, but I just cannot seem to find the error.
Could I show you my code?
OK, you can DM me. Click my name and send your notebook, or just past random_mini_batches().
OK, before sending your code to me, here is the last hint.
Look at this image, and check your code. If you still think you are right, of course, just DM me.
Hope this helps.
Still cannot find the error.
I am sending you privately my code.