Week 2 exercise 4 - initialize with zeros

Hello everybody,
I have written a code as specified in the instructions for initialization. I think my code is correct but an error appears. This is the 1st time I have faced this problem and I don’t know how to deal with it. I would be appreciated if you give a clue. Thanks in advance

Hello @S.hejazinezhad
Welcome to the community!!!
Kindly post the screenshot of the error message here. So that we can help.

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Hello @S.hejazinezhad
Kindly refer this post


Thank you.
It was an almost 1 hour time wasting. I thought I might have missed something.

Hello Learners!!!
Bit of advice: Before posting your questions here in this forum, kindly check the previous posts through search option :mag: using keywords, whether similar post is already available.

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I am having this same error!!