Week 3 Exercise 4 forward_propagation AssertionError: Wrong values for A2

Hey! I’m having issues with sorting out the following error for Week 3, Exercise 4:

The resulting A2 vector that my code outputs is slightly different to the desired/correct A2 vector, and I’m unsure why. All previous exercises/tests worked.

For reference, this is how my forward_propagation is defined:
{mentor edit: code removed}

And this is how my initialize_paramters is defined:
{mentor edit: code removed}

This is my Lab ID: rlvjzxgkklhk

A quick response is very much appreciated, thank you.

Please do not post your code on the forum. That’s not allowed by the Code of Conduct. If a mentor needs to see your code, we’ll contact you with instructions.

Are you using the correct activation function?


Thanks for the quick response! And got it, I’ll make sure to not post any code in any future posts, thanks.

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Hello, I’m getting the same error. Not sure why:

Your A2 values are not correct.

Here are the expected values:
A2 = [[0.21292656 0.21274673 0.21295976]]

Check your code in forward_propagation() for how you are computing Z1, A1, Z2, and A2.

And also check how you are getting the weight and bias values from the parameters dictionary.

I chcked my code but I’m not sure which calculation is wrong

Posting solution code in a public topic goes against our Community Forum Code of Conduct. It’s okay to share stacktrace on a public post and send code to a mentor via direct message.

Please edit your post.

Here’s a guide on how to edit a post.


Wrong variable here:

Also I recommend you remove the extra set of parenthesis around the outside of the Z1 and Z2 code. Those aren’t necessary (but probably do no harm).

Thank you for your help!! I didn’t realize I was passing the wrong variable

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