Week 3, Quiz , question 9 and 10

will have shape (2, 4)

will have shape (1, 1)
will have shape (4, 1)

will have shape (1, 4)

will have shape (4, 1)

will have shape (2, 1)

will have shape (4, 2)

will have shape (4, 1)

Please refer the question for more clarity.
Please explain what formula is used and explain with all necessary details.

  • Also this one as well.

Thank you.

Have a look at

where Prof Andrew Ng explains dimension analysis.

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But according to the formulation, should it be W.T*X? So actually the “W” should be transposed from W.T? cc: @jonaslalin

It depends on how you define W. Using Prof Andrew Ng’s definition, it should not be transposed.

I see. Thank you for the answer! In the lecture W.T is defined for logistic regression; while W is used for Neural Networks. Is there any reason to not keep the two definitions consistent?

because the w, not W is a column vector so to have a summation we need a transpose here, so that we end up with a row vector. In W, we already have rows that do what they are supposed to do.


@jonas, very correct.

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