Week 4 Assignment 1: Capstone Project Part 1

Hello there,

happy NY!

Unfortunately I am having issues starting the Week 4 Assignment 1:
Capstone Project Part 1 . I was half way through with the lab until it timed out…when I started the lab again some time later it just refuses to start - I was planning on getting this all closed off but instead I am watching Star Trek TNG which is not a bad way to spend the time however would have prefered to have the weekend free :slight_smile:

It’s been trying to load the lab for an 1.5 hours now out of the 3 hours allocated.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hello @matija.nikic happy NY,
I am having the same issue in this lab, could you complete this form. Hope it helps

Ok thanks Georgios.

I have submitted the form now…

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Hey @Georgios ,

FYI I have tried starting the lab today and it worked without a problem, so we can close the issue with my account. Thanks for the help!

All done with the certification now :partying_face: :sunglasses:

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