Week 4 assignment 1: Failed even thought my solution is correct

I have the same answer for the last part of the assignment: who_is_it. The scores are:
it’s younes, the distance is 0.5992949
it’s younes, the distance is 0.5992949
it’s younes, the distance is 0.0
Exactly the same. But the grader shows that my solution is incorrect. Please help

The grader doesn’t use your results from the notebook built-in tests. The grader uses entirely different test cases.

Your code must work correctly for any set of data and conditions.

Yes, as Tom points out, that probably means your code is not general enough, e.g. you are referencing global variables or the like. But it also might mean there is something else wrong in your notebook syntactically. It would be worth seeing what the grader actually says under “Show grader output”.

Thank you! It turns out that I wrote something wrong in the implementation. It is solved now