Week 4 Assignment 3

How do I return to the original terraform main.tf file after I edit it incorrectly and saved it?

Hello @Stephanie_A_Velez you could try to get a new file, that should return to the original
1)first right click and delete the main.tf file
2)click help in the upper right corner and choose get latest version.
You should be able to see the original file, hope it helps

Hello @Stephanie_A_Velez,
I assume you are not in the vocareum version and you can update to the latest version. This way you can easily refresh any edited or missing lab files.
If you are using vocareum lab you could try something similar and get the original files in cloud9. So you don’t have to wait for a new lab session because of a single file. Hope it helps

thank you, I think that worked!

I keep getting the following prompt to which I don’t know how to resolve ( after I type terraform plan): var.data_lake_bucket
S3 Bucket for Data lake

Enter a value:

Hello @Stephanie_A_Velez,
You load those variables in part 1.6 with this command:
source ./scripts/setup.sh

This script sets up some environment variables required to pass parameters into the Terraform configuration. If your terminal disconnects it means you have to run this command again to continue with terraform. Thanks

Ha! I had an inkling I had to do it again…Thanks again

Hello again,
I am still having issues. When trying to get the password, it states I haven’t ran terraform apply which I have but says I already have an instance. I then rebooted everything to start again, but the terminal keeps crashing even after I try to follow instructions to debug. Here is the lab ID vopsewvnqvnj if needed

Hello @Stephanie_A_Velez,
Yes probably you need to start with a new lab session. Sometimes there are AWS resources left that are cleared after the 2 hours. There are instructions on the coursera page below the button you launch the lab to manually reboot it but I rarely use it.
Since you got to the part you get the password it means you succesfully created the vectordb. Did you get any crashes on the terminal or other issues on a specific part. Thank you

yes, I got crashes on the terminal after trying to re-do the lab to get the password of vectordb

Hello @Stephanie_A_Velez,
Sorry for the inconvenience, it seems I get similar crashes after the first terraform apply. It seems my AWS resources are still there after created and I suggest you wait for the 2 hour time period to reset them. Hope it helps