I cannot figure out what I am supposed to do in the ** Exercise 2 - positional_encoding** of the Week 4 Assignment. The get_angles() function takes in three arguments pos, i and d, however, in the positional_encoding() function, only two of them, positions and d, are present. Any thought on how this function call should be made?
Please just have a look at the code cells 3 (unit tests for get_angles function). In the end, you can find example usage of the code there which might be useful for you.
There is an example in the cell. You can find the usage of the get_angles function there. The code is following (I just copied the text from the cell, so that you can find the cell if needed).
I hope it can help you to use the get_angle function properly!
I have one thing to add to jiri.palek’s answer. (Thank you very much, by the way, for your answer, jiri.palek, it helped me a lot!)
Have a look at the dimensions of the vectors pos and k provided in the beginning of the function get_angles. k has d entries in it and pos has N entries in it. This is the reason we have only two arguments in the function positional_enconding. The argument positions equals to N and we can use it to specify the pos argument in the get_angles function. The argument d can be used to specify both the i argument in the get_angles function (i can be expressed through k and k has d entries) and the d argument in the get_angles function.