Week4 Assignment 1: fail to mark as completed

@Mubsi Excuse me, I have the same problem with this. and I also get the same response from the Coursera support team. Could you give me a hand too?
My email is molamolabbb@gmail.com .

@quddus how you can fix this?

Hi @Jua_Kim,

From the looks of it, the learners contacted Coursera and then it was fixed. Have you tried the same ?


Yes. I already contacted the Coursera support team but they said to ask the Deeplearning.ai.
Anyway, Thank you!

Hi @quddus, could you share with @Jua_Kim how you got this fixed ? Thanks!

The DLAI cannot manually adjust things for the learners. Only Coursera can, so I’m not sure why they are asking you to contact us.

Hi @Jua_Kim,

Do not contact coursera via form submission. The agents that respond via that approach do not seem to be helpful. I got the same response as you did. What I resorted to was to use the live chat option. I chatted with another agent. At first, that agent also said they can’t see any submission from their end, so I shared screenshots with them (using pasteboard.co). The agent then acknowledged the error and thereafter helped override the system manually to mark the assignment as complete.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

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Thank you for your reply.
I contacted the Coursera support team by e-mail and by live chat. But they said they are finding the reason. So It takes a few days. The only way is I wait.

Maybe It would be solved! :joy::joy::joy:
Thank you!

Best regards,

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Dear Nancy, I have the same problem. And may I ask how many days do they take to solve the problem after your submission? Thanks!

Hey Evan, I actually reached out to the Help Center several times, and the last time, they solved this problem, it was about 4 or 5 days after.

Hi, Nancy.

Did you use the chat link option? It’s a direct way to talk to an executive to resolve the issues.

Hey Rashmi, thanks for mentioning that! And yes, I did. But at first, they said I need to reach out to the course staff to solve the problem, so I posted here, then I turned back to ask the help center for help (You know, sometimes different executives give different solutions), that’s why it took around 4 to 5 days to solve it.

Hi, Nancy.

Sorry to hear that. Hope things are fine now for you.


Yeah, now everything works well! Thanks!

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