Week4 Assignment 1: fail to mark as completed

I have finished the Programming Assignment: Building your Deep Neural Network: Step by Step, and got 100/100 points. However, the website fails to mark this assignment as completed or passed, I wonder if there’s a way to fix it.

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Sometimes the website is a bit slow to update. You can try submitting again or try logging out of Coursera and logging in again to see if that will force the status update.

I had this issue since last Sunday, and I did try to resubmit the assignment several times but it doesn’t work.

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It would be worth trying the “logout of Coursera and then log back in” method. I heard from one other student that doing that fixed this problem for them.

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Yeah, I have tried that, too. I logged out from all my devices, and logged back in, unfortunately, still does not fix the issue.

Sorry, I don’t know what else to suggest other than checking with the Coursera Help Center (small blue square ? lower right on any of the course pages).

I see, I will try that, thanks a lot!

I am facing this same issue for course 4 - CNN week 2 and 3! I logged in and out, refreshed, cleared cache, did several things, issue persists.

Hi, Quddus.


Are you still facing this issue? If yes, check with this link. Thanks!

Hi @Nancy_Liu & @quddus,

Can you share a screenshot of your assignment page with me ? Please take the screenshot in a way that it captures all of the information like this screenshot below:


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Hi Mubsi,

Here is the screenshot for Course 4 Week 2:

And this is for Course 4 Week 3:

Thank you,

Hi @quddus,

Thank you for sharing this. Let me ask to investigate this.


Hi, sorry for late reply. I solved this issue by asking the Coursera Help Center for help. After showing them the screenshot, they marked the assignment as completed.

Thanks for your reply!

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Hi @Nancy_Liu,

Thank you for letting us know.

@quddus, maybe you could try the same ?


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@Mubsi ,

I contacted the support team, but they are saying I should contact the course staff instead… This is getting tiring to be honest. See attached screenshot.


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Hi @quddus,

I completely understand how frustrating this is.

Can you direct message me the email you use for Coursera ? And please know, it will take a while for me to get back to you on this, as I live in the Asia region and the people I’ll forward this along to (and the time it’ll take for them to get back to me), the sun is only rising over there as we speak.


Okay. Thank you. My coursera email is qab1n18@soton.ac.uk


@Mubsi My email is qab1n18@soton.ac.uk

I also chatted with another coursera support agent, and they said they will look into it further and get back to me.


@Mubsi ,

The issue is now resolved. Thank you very much.


Hi @quddus, that’s great to hear!