What is the next step of the AI journey after successfully fulfilling the machine learning specialization course

After successfully completing the machine learning specialization, I cannot decide which course should I pursue now on. Please recommend me a course, I would like to become an AI engineer. Please mention, which are specialized job areas are available in the AI domain like speech, audio more in specifically, thanks in advance…


I would recommend that you do the Deep Learning Specialization (DLS) next. It is a more advanced set of courses than MLS that covers all the current architectures of Deep Neural Networks. After that, you can choose between the various TF courses, the NLP Specialization, the GANs Specialization or the various short courses about LLMs, based on your interests.


Sorry, I just read your original post again and noticed that I missed your question about audio in my first response. I’m not aware of any courses here that specifically address speech and audio as a complete topic, but you will see several examples in DLS Course 5 about Sequence Models in which audio is generated or used as input. DLS is the right next step.