When truning

Did not manage to match shapes in model for all checkpoint weights

Hey @moustafa_fathy,
Can you please elaborate your issue a little bit more? I believe that you are facing an issue either in assignment or one of the ungraded labs, please specify which.

Also, please specify, which section or exercise are you facing an issue with, and please do post the error-stack as well.


the ungraded labs
please how to solve this problem

Hey @moustafa_fathy,
There are 5 ungraded labs in Week 4. Can you please specify the one with which you are facing this issue?


when training my code this eeror
IndexError: list index out of range

Hey @moustafa_fathy,
Can you please let us know if your issue has been resolved? If not, I request you once again, to please help us with the details of the lab and the section, in which you are facing this issue.
