Why is this course in pytorch not in tensorflow?

Hi, i have been following the Deeplearning.ai courses religiously, Completed ml, deeplearning, tensorflow and nlp specializations. i have no experience in pytorch, should i join this course?

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Hi @tarunsaxena1000

Of course! Learning GANs from the PyTorch perspective would be super beneficial. PyTorch is another powerful deep learning framework and learning it will complement your existing expertise.


Exactly! Learning PyTorch is a great benefit of taking the GANs specialization, which is very well presented and extremely interesting material in its own right. They assume that PyTorch is new to you and give you a very nice introduction to it.

It’s like learning another programming language: knowing more is always a good thing. Another item to put on your resumé. I also came to GANs after learning TF in DLS and found PyTorch easier to learn than TF. But I first learned TF by taking DLS back in the early days when it was TF 1.0 with no “eager mode”. :scream_cat: PyTorch only has the equivalent of eager mode, so it’s a lot more natural to learn.


hey, @Alireza_Saei @paulinpaloalto thanks for the advice, it clarifies my doubt.

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You’re welcome! happy to help :raised_hands:

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Adding to these points, I have always felt that I have a stronger conceptual grasp when implementing things in PyTorch. PyTorch has less abstraction than TensorFlow, which makes me feel like I have more control over the implementation.
So in my opinion, it’s great to get into PyTorch