I am a 25 year energy professional in Canada. Specifically I work in the drilling sector and own a company that specializes in remote technical support. We are collecting drilling data and would like to begin building a system to collect all of this data and give both engineering/technical recommendations but in the future be able to tie decision making to associated cost and overall commercial success of the well drilled. There is a large amount of public data available in this space and my company is a group of actual drilling experts - but not data experts.
If anyone on this forum feels they would like to embark on a project like this we would be open to meeting and discussing concepts around what we do today and what types of systems we see as market viable in the oil and gas industry of 2025.
hi @Jmassop1
You can probably also add what kind of candidate you are looking forward to meet and discuss, so profile can match and approach you as per you requirement and desirability, like minimum qualification or if it is necessary to be oil and gas industry etcetera.
I’m interested and i will like to connect with you.
Sounds great - where are you located and what is your background?
I’m not necessarily looking for a certain candidate but more someone with the skills to potentially help me build a platform that will take drilling and field development costs and convert that data into a decision making algorithm that ties the choices to a cost benefit analysis.
Thank you for the input.
There is someone I know… But you have to be really serious about your background in this area and your request. If so DM me.
I am 25 years into the oil and gas industry with multiple mid and high level management roles. I have a few ideas of what the industry needs. Some smaller scale (real time drilling decisions based on performance) and some bigger scale ideas as well. I would like to put together a few people to begin brainstorming on this.
As far as I know his experience is in ocean drilling. I also know some Aramco guys, so what are we talking?
Real time drilling decisions tied to AFE and costs.
For example - I’m working with a company who has a 3D bit scanning system and a few hundred wells of data that they are looking to monetize.
If we can tie bit wear to drilling performance and incidents (pressure/torque spikes at certain formation tops) and project what the cost would be continue drilling or pull out of the hole to put a new bit and motor in… we can build a model for a certain area that detects these incidents and advises whether it is more cost effective to drill the remainder of that formation before pulling out to put a new bit on, advise on best combination of downhole tools and drilling parameters and tie it to a dollar amount… I would like to brainstorm with some more seasoned AI and ML specialists - but would be good to have some other people involved with a drilling background as well. Currently my company is providing technical drilling support and streaming data off of 6-8 drilling rigs in canada at a time… To begin with it would be nice to be able to start loading all of this drilling data into a model…
I think you were working on a similar kind of project model, probably your insight might be beneficial.
Thank you Deepti for tagging me here.
Hi @Jmassop1!
I have experience working with reservoir and well data to make predictions for individual wells and full-field modeling. However, I haven’t worked directly with drilling data. Only studied drilling engineering courses during my undergraduate studies in petroleum engineering.
From your messages, I have a few questions:
- Do you have bit images along with corresponding labels that quantify bit wear? For example, a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 represents a completely damaged bit, and 10 indicates a bit in excellent condition.
- What other drilling data do you have, and what are you aiming to predict? For instance, to predict well costs, you’d typically need data such as expected drilling days, daily operating and rental costs, formation information, bit and motor quality, etc.
- Do you, or does someone on your team, have expertise in drilling engineering and the ability to calculate well costs or provide domain insights? Without domain knowledge (in this case, drilling engineering and economics), relying solely on AI expertise is, as Prof. Shahad D. Mohaghegh said, a waste of time and resources.
Additionally, you might need someone with experience in computer vision and deploying machine learning models into production for real-time prediction (I haven’t tried this).
If you would like to continue discussing, let’s take a focused approach and tackle one aspect at a time. What specific prediction would you like AI to assist with, and what input data do you think is essential for that task?
I’m located in United State.