I have four datasets for four different accidents; each dataset has the same parameters. Some of the key parameters are changing their values from a “standard value”. The more they change these key parameter values, the more the intensity increases. I want to compare the intensity of four accidents. I don’t understand what algorithm to use. Please suggest any ML, DL, soft computing, or evolutionary algorithm.
I am already working on ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System), Please suggest more.
Supposing I have a parameter named average temperature, after 5 minutes the temperature is changed to some higher or lower value, though I have data for 300 seconds. But if I do standard deviation, that will be a lot odd (I have to categorize myself like this accident is more intense than that), and I want something automated. It will see the trend of my data and automatically say that it’s a more or less severe accident. If you worked with the fuzzy logic toolbox in Matlab, you can see how it provides results. But fuzzy logic is not very reliable!